3D Minesweeper

Feeling like Minesweeper is too easy? Try playing Minesweeper in 3D!

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How to play 3D Minesweeper

Welcome to the exciting world of 3D Minesweeper! This guide will walk you through the rules and gameplay of this thrilling twist on the classic Minesweeper game in three dimensions. Get ready to uncover hidden treasures and navigate through challenging mines!


The objective of 3D Minesweeper is to clear the playing area without detonating any mines. You win the game when all non-mine cells are revealed. Be careful, as one wrong move could lead to a devastating explosion!


  1. The Game Board

    The game is played on a 3D grid, where each cell can either contain a mine or a number representing the number of adjacent mines.

  2. Revealing Cells

    To reveal a cell, simply click on it. If it's a mine, the game is over, and you'll have to start again. If the cell is not a mine, a number will be displayed. This number indicates the count of mines in the neighboring cells.

  3. Using Clues

    The numbers revealed on the board are crucial clues to help you avoid mines. Use these numbers to deduce the locations of mines and make strategic decisions.

  4. Flagging Mines

    If you suspect a cell contains a mine, right-click on it to place a flag. This helps you remember the potential mine locations and prevents accidental clicks.

  5. Adjacent Cells

    If a cell has a "0" on it, it means there are no mines in its neighboring cells. When you reveal such a cell, it will automatically expand to reveal adjacent cells until numbered cells are reached.

  6. Winning the Game

    To win, reveal all non-mine cells on the grid. Once you've successfully cleared the board, celebrate your victory!

  7. Practice Makes Perfect

    The more you play, the better you'll get at recognizing patterns and making informed decisions. Don't get discouraged by initial losses; instead, use them as learning opportunities.

Tips for Success

  1. Start with Safe Cells

    Begin by revealing cells that are surrounded by the fewest neighbors. These cells are usually safer to click on.

  2. Use Clues Wisely

    Pay close attention to the numbers revealed on the board. They provide essential information about mine locations. Analyze the patterns and use them to make educated guesses.

  3. Flag Strategically

    Flag cells you suspect might contain mines. This helps you keep track of potential hazards and prevents accidental clicks.

  4. Stay Calm and Focused

    3D Minesweeper can be challenging, but maintaining composure and focus will help you make better decisions.

  5. Practice, Practice, Practice

    The more you play, the better your skills will become. Challenge yourself with different grid sizes and difficulties to improve your strategic thinking.